
Welcome to my website. I hope you enjoy browsing through my work and reading about my creative development through the blog page. I have grouped my work into collections as you will see from the tabs at the top of the page. I have not yet developed an online sales facility but much of the work is for sale in original and/or print form. If you would like details of any images that you see, please email me or come and have a browse through my work at s o u l s p a c e art studio (address and directions on the s o u l s p a c e  tab above),

s o u l s p a c e art studio

s o u l s p a c e  art studio is a newly created space in Soughbridge Mill. Shared with my partner Jo Lewis (poet/photographer) and Textile Artist Jacqueline Smith, it is a place to nurture our own and others' creative spirit. It is a light, spacious studio with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. For a window into s o u l s p a c e, click the tab at the top of the page.

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